Welcome to the Flow community!

Welcome to the Flow community!

Our mission is to make environmental information accessible and empowering.

Why we do what we do

Every year, across every border on this planet, air pollution causes more than 7 million premature deaths. The magnitude of the problem should inspire sweeping change, but it doesn’t.

Why? Because like new insights about our climate, the numbers are quick to cause anguish, but get quickly buried by the immediacy of daily life. Every new pollution peak causes new outrage, promptly extinguished into inaction as the news cycle rolls ahead. We care and hope for change, but feel ill-equipped to face a challenge too complex, bigger than us, like it should be a problem for another person or another time.

We see an information problem.

We see that with the right information at the right time, wisdom can take over panic. And when wisdom has the upper hand, the urgency of the problem can be channeled into imagining solutions rather than endings.

What we believe

We believe complex problems can be solved not when they are made black and white, but when numbers, details and nuance are embraced. We want to create products that make data lively, engaging and useful for solution-seekers. We believe it’s our best shot at contributing to human growth that does not come at the expense of the environment or of itself.

Welcome to the community!